Together with our customers we provide innovative, quality solutions
Waeger is an innovative construction company based in the Hunter Valley Region of NSW Australia.
Waeger carries out a wide variety of civil projects with a focus on bridge design and construction, precast concrete manufacture, precast concrete installation and construction of boutique landmark civil projects.
Our team is passionate about providing innovative solutions to projects to meet our customers needs. Our solutions are fully customisable to suit the most difficult site or conditions and are always developed in conjunction with our customers to provide the best solution for the project.
The Company was established in 1987 by Karl Waeger, with Michael Waeger taking over ownership of the Company in January 2012.
Waeger has 3 divisions being Bridges, Precast and Construction.
The Bridge Division specialises in the design and construction of bridges, along with construct only projects, having successfully built over 200 bridges over the last 30 plus years. The majority of this bridge work consists of timber bridge replacements for Local Government and Rail Authorities. Waeger has also successfully completed projects for the Roads and Maritime Services, Australian Rail Track Corporation and a number of Tier 1 contractors such as John Holland and Lendlease.
Waeger has extensive experience in bridge design and construction, having developed long-term relationships with experienced design consultants.
The Division offers a variety of modular precast bridging systems, which provides solutions to cover a range of applications. Extensive experience in the construction of bridges in sensitive environmental areas, and over or adjacent to live rail lines or major roadways is another strength for Waeger.
The Precast Division specialises in the manufacture of standard and custom of engineered precast concrete products. Our products range from small landscaping pieces to large structural bridge beams, including components for building works, trains stations and other civil construction projects. Waeger also has the capability to manufacture a wide range of precast concrete stairs and elements with a range of architectural finishes such as polished or honed concrete.
Waeger has supplied precast elements to the Roads and Maritime Services, Australian Rail Track Corporation, Brookfield Multiplex, Fulton Hogan, John Holland, Sydney Trains, Lendlease, Grocon, CBP Seymour Whyte Constructions and many other companies.
Waeger offers services ranging from supply only to complete design supply and installation packages. Our purpose-built precast factory at Rutherford includes RMS prequalified, prestressing and steam curing facilities, along with a NATA Accredited testing laboratory for the quality control testing of all concrete used.
The Construction Division specialises in landmark style projects and has carried out numerous types of contracts for civil works, refurbishment projects and demolition works. These include Newcastle Memorial Walk, the refurbishment of Fernleigh Rail Tunnel, South Newcastle Beach rock fall Protection Fence and the Red Bluff Boardwalk at Eleebana. We can also offer comprehensive project and construction management services.
Waeger has a full installation service for precast concrete and structural steel with personnel having extensive experience in working with large cranes and under shutdown conditions such as rail track possessions and nightworks.
Custom or unusual builds are Waeger’s speciality!
Waeger Constructions is prequalified with the Roads and Maritime Services to Level B3 for bridge works and C1 for precast manufacture, under the National Prequalification Scheme, along with a Restricted NSW Demolition Licence.
Our facilities at Rutherford include a NATA Accredited Laboratory for Quality Control of testing of all concrete.
Our company operates the following Third Party Accredited Management Systems:
✔️ Quality Management to ISO9001:2008
✔️ Occupational Health and Safety to BS OHSAS 18001:2007
✔️ Environmental Management ISO14001:2004
Waeger is currently a member of the following industry bodies;